Wednesday, April 28, 2010


For the past few science classes we've been watching dvds about water. Here are three quotes from the video:

"its melting away, its wasting away, I need it, there's no doubt about it". When I heard this quote, it made me think about how lots of people need water, but some people who have lots of water let it waste away down their drains. "its melting away" makes me think of global warming and how its melting our earths' glaciers and frozen water, and how it will affect polar bears, penguins, seals, leopard seals, and other wildlife that lives in earths icey waters.

"its what we've got, its all, thats it" makes me think about how limited our earths resources are becoming becouse people aren't thinking about how everything they do affects the world in little ways, but eventually all of those little things add up.

"every drop counts" remindes me about how people need to start thinking about new ways to conserve water because we can't keep ignoring the facts.

1 comment:

  1. hey there Michelle i really like this post. its full of information and even though i did one like this (except i only did one quote) it really got me thinking =) i think that everyone should start taking action in saving water :D
